A congregation grounded in the Reformed Tradition, we believe faith informs behavior, and our theology is reflected in everything we teach and practice. It can be summarized by the acronym, SACRED:
Sovereignty of God
Authority of Scripture
Christ as Lord and Savior
Redemption by Grace through Faith
Evangelism through Words, Works, and Witness
Disciplines of the Spirit
We support individual commitment to Christ and collective Christian growth as follows:
Salvation through personal regeneration
Study of the Bible and Christian doctrine
Spiritual development through prayer
Social engagement through community action
Support of others though ecumenical leadership
As a non-hierarchical church (autonomous polity), we celebrate the freedom of our congregants to choose their areas and levels of participation in the arts, boards, community organizations, political associations, vocations, and volunteer groups. We believe our differences make us stronger and our distinctions make us better.
We have different gifts according to the grace given to each of us. (Romans 12:6)