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Our Church

Worshipping Together in Spirit

Working Together in Service

Organized in 1873, WBC has provided active worship and ministry activities for 150 years.  Our congregation is representative of our community with families who predate the founding of Rappahannock County and those who have moved here more recently.  Our congregants are younger and older; married and single; liberal and conservative.

Made up of people from a rich variety of backgrounds, our congregation includes Episcoplaians, Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians, and Roman Catholics as well as life-long Baptists.

Though a diverse congregation, WBC reflects its Baptist tradition in important ways by being autonomous in matters of governance, active and generous in its support of missions, and committed to its affirmation of personal salvation though Jesus Christ.

A contemporary expression of the body of Christ, we strive to be open, inclusive, tolerant and diverse as  we welcome, and invite fellow believers to join us in the worship and work of WBC

 In Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member

belongs to all the others. (Romans 12:5)